Sunday, 17 August 2008

blunders of wonder am

tilted and weedly wild
my head turns from side to side
the excorsist has hunt head down
bounty hunter
debt collector
love doctor
we all sit above the law
exceot the ones who created it

are we what we make?
but the making are of what is us
are we at war with ourself when the makings are not becoming what we want?
expect nothing
it must be the parental obiedience
of the making

i make you through the eyes of loving
adore the hunger
it feeds the mind
make less of body
feel ultimate
make the most of body
all threads of nerves and secret cupboards within
we do not know the mystery we are in
we breath without thinking
but in the city I love with too much thinking
and it sure clogs the outlet
damn the fright of nothing and everything

who can ever make anything freely ¨
and know its unlimited being of no plan
when timorouseness is being selektive
and already has ready result at hand?

Monday, 4 August 2008

hungry wolves hunts the best & little indians tissle tassle with sneaky peaky beaks I can not trip on the train with broken thights in crotch aoch..

-So sorry but deliberate hi´s and oh´s
might get winky wanks....

the behind man is on the train station every night
every time I take the train
he is seeing me off, me and everyone else
He likes thights
I seem to always wear thights for comfort when travelling
Eh, he prefers black, I wore grey this time
he still liked them
he touched my leg and i told him off like a child, because he is in a way,
innocent as a child, and knows his lust with not much shame,
still knows the limits
Even though he must be about fifty something,
He is, what you call, the village fool.

After he touched my leg, he walked away
grabbing his groin, and shouted,
- football..

He loves trains, black cars, black thights, and porridge
People do not make fun out him, well they do...not in such an evil way
more like as they village people act towards the log lady in twin peaks, but in a less freightened way.
They know, even the ones who´s not from the village, they all understand
The station is in many ways his as much as the travellers, or actually
even more than theirs.
He is there every night
he knows the train times by heart
And shows his wrist watch and shouts out the time.
and see all off.
One time they gave him a free ride on the train, and gave him a train conductors jacket.
He wears it sometimes,
he prefers to wear a tie on sundays.
He is one of the first to see on arrival, and one of the last to see you off

Sunday, 3 August 2008

nofear, noenvy, nomeaness,

Category: Romance and Relationships

with enough Kurage you can do without a reputation

says red to scarlett while she grinds her teeth with grit

some red earth

some like their greens

short short story ´bout the continueous adventures of F.F.F

Category: Romance and Relationships

Fine Flying Finn Fucked off with thumping Lovehearts in his red blurred eyes

-Hot stuff, he shouted down the streets of the hot stuffs shit area of residence

-get your arse down here, spring has arrived,

i mean, it´s almost summer....

Time for adventure, a roadtrip to the coast or such, wherever really, Reigate even, like some fucking happy go lucky hippie, peace love and satisfaction, he would take off with this bird, Lovejoy and get some, while the sea or fresh air would take her breath away, he´s nob her down & finally have the opportunity to take his mind of the load of dustrats he´d been stackiing away during winter, all gathering under the carpet, bankfuckingbills & that loan to his gran, the neighbours rawl ¨bout vague remeberence of burglery he might have not or might have done in absence of memory and all the shit he wasn´t some idiot cableguy who´d bind himself to anyone, he just wanted to relax for some satisfaction for fucks sake!

well whatever..sexaddict or what, he sure was a man that outgrown his binliner nappies, now ready to get some taste of lifes fun before he´d for sure sort some of that shit out...

He was sure that this mini-journey, this time, god damnit, the road would take him somewhere, not just to elephant and casastles roundabout back and forth over the river dragging his feet in teh muddy banks of the yakky river of thames

Billybay Lovejoy Babydoo

was the name of his resent lovess.

A girl of decent calibre,

would shoot a hoot any time

Well , she bloody wasn´t answering or showing that face of hers through the window,

pearls scattered outsie her gate, probably that tranny who lived opposite Billyboy Lovejoy Babydoo...Loved her fucking name..

rang the response

He better get upstairs and get her himself....doors locked, & loud strips of music coming through, no answer,

listening through the crack of her broken door, last week he banged on it too hard in a drunken moment with Jelousy accompanioned a heavy minded turned paranoid night from bashes of too much booze and weed and clashes with random peoploeoeosious....

he saw her through the keyhole, that horny bird, craving all mens attentaion, that´s what he really like about her at he same time really bothered with...

Cause...Now the bitch was wearing that scanky silky robe of hers, stained under her arms and neck, with half of her arse hanging out watching half bemused glaced eyelids down, smirking while some other motherfucking guy were tapdancing for her looking all wildeyed bewildered with lust....

Fine Flying Finns hands twitched and long claws drew from his fingertips as he silently tore away another piece of Billyboy Lovejoy Babydoo´s door, ate the splinter & walked downstairs balancing the part that once might had been a heart on his head, do so, practising proud posture, making his way out with some excellent grace, who a minute ago had hopes for an easy way out, mind abundance, now snared with doubts of his value as a man with something to do, the purpose of sun , the purpose of today, the possum of purpose..

Fine Flying Finn got on a bus to south bank, sat down with his can of whatever, scratched his vesslelike face and thought no more of ill Billyboy Lovejoy BAbydoo....

Short story II

Current mood: chipper
Category: Writing and Poetry

On the count of seven Fine Flying Finn went through the door after have been sitting counting to seven for at least three quarters of an hour

Finally he's on his way to face destiny once more...

The world outside seemed to lack in colour, well, there was enough of grey.

But as his hypo allergic pet Five-legged-lacy, the stick insect, said;

-Hey man, the sky ain't greyed...its fuckin' silver, right...

In her mancunion accent everything sounded just a touch heavier, like you'd put a drumstick through the throat or somethin'...but it made you feel like every word was said with an effort, so it just gotta be true..

So Fine Flying Finn posed for a half second after he said seven, then, as said,

sprung to the door, opened the giant piece of battered wood with green flaky strips of old paint

The gate back and forth to hell or heaven. You never knew which one was on each side..

He clasped his raisin wrinkly eyelids together, just couldn't face the day..

Get yourself together man!

Sort it out! Don't wanna be a fuckin' freak, like those fuckers who's on anti-depressing pills..Cause they can't seem to be able to face the day..

He swallowed some saliva while gathering himself.

Folded up his eyelids, and fought his light sensitive eyes to stare right out, ignoring the bloody tears that exploded like a fountain when daylight hit them.

Hell, shit fuckers...cunt faces...billboard arses...

He kept cursing to himself, making up new ones as he walked along the road to the bus stop...

He felt more stable after a while, creating swear words like; menstruation bitch, lip-sucker-twat and so on. Not at anyone specific, just getting back to shape...

Maybe he'd sell this cure for fear, creating curses, have like, workshops or whatever they're called to learn people how to leave their houses without stuffing their arses full of white little pills, mothers little helpers, shit ones...

He knew 'bout these little fuckers, since the last serious girl he was seeing, four years ago.

Was constantly munching away on something medical, with droopy eyes, she stared at him with nothing shining through, just empty...he used to slap her lightly and shag her like a bull to try to wake her up, finally one day she legged out of the house when he flushed down all her gear down the loo...the whole pillbox...He felt as though he'd been cheated on, by those pills, he just couldn't stand them.

He preferred to curse whole day through to manage being around other people, especially on the fuckin' public transport

What the hell was wrong with people, not only they stared as though their eyeballs would pop out of their bloody heads, they stank like old shit hole as well...

-Wash your fucking ass, use some fucking soap!!

He shouted on the street, when one man passed him with a stench like nothing you felt before, maybe if you'd been stranded somewhere, like Calais, waiting for the ferry to take you over, but constantly missed the boat so you had to sleep on a hard green ergonomically shaped chair, drinking yourself to sleep, for a fortnight, then sticking your hand down your pants for some pleasant scratching, and shockingly getting your secret smell when trying to take another sip of your beer, anyway, it's a good wake up call to get you back on track....

Just like that sinful smell, that made you wanna get a hose and detergent to wash away...

-Man, keep that stench to yourself!

He got on the bus, nodding his head, sticking his chin out in a mean manner,

Like as if he was listening to some house music, although he wasn't, since he had a bit of a phobia for keeping his ears plugged off in public.

You never knew who'd hit you from behind...

Fine Flying Finn got off the bus next to the jobcentre, he was late, and knew he had to get back another day to sign on, he cursed a bit more, but his cure seemed to had worn off by this point, maybe he used it all up?

Like in a computer game, you need to load up for more power, he'd shot his gun empty...

He queued up, and the oldish looking security guy was eyeing him, as he slandered him quietly before speaking

-It's a late signing....well I gotta get a new appointment...

He sorted all his shit out at the jobcentre, fanning his shirt, his upper lip dripping of sweat, licking the salty taste as he left the most horrible building he knew of today

One day, he'd get paid for having such a genius mind, someday, and then he could look back at the man and ask him to brush his shoe with the ugly mop of hair, for a grand...

That's right, he'd fuckin' give the old security guy a grand to brush Fine Flying Finns shoe shiny like his grannies pennies...Cause Fine Flying Finn ain't no cheapskate...

The though made him turn his thin lips upwards, and he felt like the man of his mind.

He bought some fig rolls in the corner shop and stared at the girls queuing in front of him.

Maybe he'd get a girlfriend?

Maybe he'd go out on Saturday and not get shit-faced, just have a few pints and get all smooched up, like say things like; -I read this book, blab la, well whatever, he knew he could charm the pants of any girl if he was just acting an equal part interested, then not interested then shy and then confident, the ladies lust loved that whole lad show...

But just the thought of it made him extremely tired and carsick as he watched the girls in front of him looking so confident and smiling at each others jokes, so he'd just paid for his fig-rolls, and hurried home to Five-legged-lacy and his computer game...

He'd stop along the way to give Tony the tumbler a call; he might be up for something...anything, since Fine Flying Finn couldn't get away from his own private un-satisfying feeling.

Tony the tumbler was clever in a, he loathed the word but it had to be said,

sensitive kind of way...He never butted in on any subject that wasn't alright to be talked 'bout...he waited till the right time to speak and then normally got it right...

Fine Flying Finn hurried his fingers to make the call for salvation of the day...

Though he never ever said a word of appreciation to Tony,

But surely just the company of his was enough, he even bought the fig-rolls, Tony wasn't called the tumbler for nothing, he loved eating..

The idiot tumbler didn't pick up his phone!

Hell, all credit he just gave him for being clever got lost like a fart in the wind...

Fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK fuck...devil shat himself and blamed the sinnerman..

Fine Flying Finn got his head sown on his knees and tried to beat the shit out of the pavement as a repay,

The street cracked one hit after another, his iron-fist was like a sledgehammer, he was great like that, his superpowers made his knuckles grow and his fingernails became like 3inch nails as he cut the barbwire off his face..while struggling to free the fig-rolls from the fat arsed tumbler, dumb-arsed fucker, who...

Then Finns phone rang.

-Alright geezer?...sure, I'm around....

I'm some Fine Flyin' Fucker, he swore to himself and got the crumpled up fig-rolls from the street and put it in his pocket..

It'd been Gorje, or something like that, he was some eastern European refugee character or something, who lived in a squat round the corner,

The Russian had the most fucked up eating habits Finn ever seen..not that he ever put much notice to other creatures diet, except for five-legged-Lucy's of course, well she only ever had leafs really, and reefers..he chuckled a tension too high, cleared his throat and slouched round the back of the alley to get to Gay-Gorjy's place, he only called him that cause he couldn't think of anything else to name him, and he'd never seen him with a bird anyway..

Well, when Gorjy been held arrested for terrorist-plan-suspicion by the coppers,

his alibi apparently had been that he stayed tha particular nite at some bitches house in Hackney.

He'd told Fine Flying Finn all this while he ate some ape-food, well really, it had been catfood, mixed with some sour milk he'd found in Somerfields throw-outs, he'd been scuffing it all down, sour milk running down the side of his mouth all down his beard-patched chin as his jaw chewed away on both Russian accented words and dried pieces of liver, duck feet and what the hell they put in pound-stretchers pet-food.

He'd appreciate the fig-rolls.

Knocked seven times on the wonky door to the squat and some wind-blown smackhead-look-alike opened, empty eyed, mouth half opened, it made him wanna put his fist in there to see if the idiot even fucking notice...




-Yeah, Gorje, I'm here to see Gorje, mate

-Uh, sure..

That's bloody it, he deserved more in life than standing hanging around some shitty quarter of a door to some half of a house...

Smelling of cat shit and all, he stepped in and walked to the kitchen, where Gorje usually where sitting watching TV, as he where today as well...

-Hey, Fine Fly!

He couldn't even say his name in a proper way, but decided to let it go,

he was a foreigner,

And he'd escape some prison or some bad work or something..

He could relate to that...once Fine Flying Finn had to work in Harrods warehouse, it only lasted a couple of weeks, but it was fucked up, he had to wear some green plaid all button up, and all staff had to walk in a special staff entrance, like sheeps, every hell-made made him wanna puke his guts up every fucking new day at sure, he could relate to Gorje, so what if he called him a fine fly, it had a twang of Curtis Mayfield, yeah, Fine Flying Finn had soul...

He scratched his balls and nodded as he threw the fig-rolls on the table...pretended not to see the intense stare from the smack-head fuckwit that followed him down to the kitchen...

As Gorje was munching away on the sweet fig-rolls, Finn started feeling funny again, like really fucking uncomfortable, itching and almost nauseas as the smell of this rat-like people breeding their body fluids as stinky as they could ever manage...Their flees where running all down his shirt as the walls were woo-wooing at him and the ceiling sank towards his head...he got up and got out without a word.

-Fly, fine Fly?

He heard the Russian shout his made up name after him, almost choking on those bloody fig-rolls, he hoped he would, and that the smack-head squatter would suddenly get on top of Gorje and eat his throat he imagined his last gurgles, he slammed the door after him and started running down the street,

Back to the old flaky door, where his sexy Five-legged-Lacy would be waiting for him, unless she'd been fucking herself with some twig she found, or maybe she could be using

her own leg?

As a man of scientism, he better check it out, why search outwards for some interesting shit, when it's just under your own bleeding nose...

Five giant steps to reach the door, 4 seconds to get keys out and open the lock, a bit more than a second to shut, and before the count of ten, he was safe inside.

It's all 'bout timing, cannot let the manmade world outside rule your life he thought as he fingered his way down some branch in his favourite living creature on earths glass box...

She smiled curiously as she wiggled her stick like body and said with her northern husky voice;

-Alright man, give us a wee winch, so to say welcome home..

'Cause, Home is where your heart is.

short story

Current mood: blank

Fine Flying Finn went up the stairs to his mamas bedroom,

scorning for some cash, like he always did when he was desperate

for some action to wake his spirit up to the fine use of anything really..

Great thunder!!

Ejaculation through strangulations he heard of, never tried it though

If mama didnt pay,

He gotta find something else to hose his breath of life up..

-Oi. Little boy, dont breath on me,

Ill cover you with phlegm, snot and other gruesome stuff from my gut...

Leave me to my business, and you get on with you life,

Its time to cut the navel cord at some point...

Fine Flying Finn bowed his head in disappointment and left the house

with the door wide open.

´Hope shell get damaged in some way,

the worm, always happy to leave great remarks

and an advice with no regrets, in the back of his head wheezed

Out in town, looking at all the pretty manky girls strutting about,

nothing else to do, he wasnt really all about girls anyway,

theyre just not so fun, mainstream thinking,

nurturing only whats in front of there made up eyes,

pouting and being quite pointless

He turned his stomach upside down for a laugh before he left the town centre.

´Easy mate, piss off governor!!

All true friends stay an inch away in case misery crawled through the pores,

it could be contagious..

All the mats on the floor in his brothers neighbours flat had fleas on them apparently, since the neighbours dog was a gutter rat, always good to know,

but news like that always runs out of time before you could do

anything about it.

He eased down the road back nodding at all people thinking they where

nothing but little working ants, always staying on the ground floor,

He was above all that boringness, he was different, always knew that.

Just needed a little thing, just a pinkie fingers touch of a shot, hed show them all

Success is the best revenge

Signing posters of Fine Flying Finns excellent services

Doing nothing else but being him, pure steady, ready, go, excellence

All in full honesty, nothing else would do really...

he wouldnt mind treating people to some real honesty

Hed be like the modern world Messiah and in the next two thousands year;

Jesus would be real old news

And sacred babies would be named after him

Fine Flying Finn

Once in school he got named Fun Flu Flid, when he blew his nose in his hand and threw it on the floor in the school cafeteria and stepped in it and fell

He didnt enjoyed that name, it didnt stay for that long though,

he beat the shit out the clever guy who came up with it,

Even though it was his mates little brother Starry Scary Steve,

who moved away five years ago

cause he shat himself when he heard Fine Flying Finns voice scrawling into the café after hed beating him up again, still after ten years.

He kind of missed having an actual reason for beating someone up,


Starry Scary Steve left all the getting-someone-quick-and-hard business felt a bit empty.

Maybe he was turning to a Messiah after all?

He might be broadcasted worldwide speaking his honest words into peoples homes, bars and hotel rooms

Hed be so fucking wise and know all this stuff,

everyone wouldnt believe theyre ears, theyd had to open theyre mouths wide-open,

drooling and look at each other with actual question marks in theyre stupid eyes

And all the pharmacies would be happy cause the had to sell loads of cotton buds, and the cotton slaves would be rich and earn more money, cause theyre the only ones who really know how to pick cotton,

They would get their revenge

Success, Slave-success finally

After all the people had cleaned theyre ears,

they listen again and understand

And everyone would understand how to really think,

No wars

No fucking bullshit

Just cool things. His way


Hed be like fucking Superman, unbeatable,

he might even try to catch some diseases and get away with it

Fine Flying Finn went funny and out of his head and never returned to town.

Starry Scary Steve did though,

returned to town but just for a week only to scorn his mama for some cash.

She kept his navel cord in a box by her night table.

V.S.S Loyalty declaration

Category: oh brother.. Writing and Poetry

Fuck her slap her and leave her

Tough Lord, tie her to a pole

She mirrors herself in your reflection so if you happy and walk away feeling lucky,

Its your call, vastly superior sibling

Stay or go, go go go go go go go, shes a reckless soul, dont owe her any loyalty

Fine Flying Finn wouldnt stay a stale second, if things got so bad,

You leave her to leave with that wet-eyed puppy that cant use her like you would

Wastage bastard enjoy all that lingering twisting and head tilting

Posing like a mannequin with onion rings to share with the world

Till you drop with exhaustion

Guess you done a lifes worth of characteristic love beating at least you can proudly shout and scream about your broken dream, when she stamped you out with her sharpened crook for linger-fingering..

Rude behaviour I say

Over and Out


i have been

on the run in the city that greys me

i wear grey a lot

grey is the colour that worn will damage nature the least

so finally i return

with a new recorded old song ´lullaby for puck´

recorded by Magic Cousins,

who sure is making good science in the lab of alma songs

really all is magical where he points his tuned fingers


we are puffing

not out of breath, just slightlty salty fed makrell superhero food

i rub my belly in delight

all is well

told off

Category: Games

no rude words that could offend

people are sensitive

and even silly words can be missile aiming arrows right and straight in someones



it´s a little bit inpåossible to watch tongue and eager fingers tap tap tapping

word of advice

mell out the smell

all is well

mini blues for eyes ears and definitly mouth

Category: movement of fear Pets and Animals

no no
sweetheart gone
true bless
(still) oh troubled in mess
ai ai ai
the breath is squeezed
like elves stacked on collecters shelves
eyes small and red
strange wet drops
holes in nose drip drip
so mouth goes on holiday
so long
sunset sun sat down and wept for no honey
nothing sweetee sweeter than thee
no no
brake the shelves silent tear
release the collected
no no
sweetheart gone

old news rot in thell then after thell, make sure brush those teeths clean from tha suga

i ain=t got no cozy ghosty time to spare
all is real
when I wanna swine real bad in a money deal
noddly no
find five faults
duplicate doubles

make it into fours

direct double trouble in genital genious

that=s cozy in a ghosty flaw?

really, i wants to make mud cakes for
litttle tea party
(since mis placed hound dog on brit island, so super tarty)

lick the cream get tommy=s cramp tummy

if hell so desirably yummy
why the boy’s in love with mummy
sorry no c an do
im in love too
noddly no

aggro the laddo...

Current mood: mini war mama mini war

pick on the girl who hold bike with heavy guitar on hot hot day

tired in dress on commercial street by traffic light

bazooka her with water screaming lads in fancy silver car

see what hell broke loose just start a fight

heavenly mix cranberry blueberry juice

sticky and sweet

pour into car shiny and new ooh borrowed she ho hope

angry motha fucka laugh and cry through the heat

cheer cheer the crowd shoutto hail the aggro dope

home tweet tweet

i screwed up in most delightful fashion

amazingly good

but probablyu bad, cc please don-t be mad,

i do not believe dfddlove have to husrt to be felt

this is just so sinfully lustfilthy good/bad


kind of love

then i jumped ten meters cliff straight down the dead fall

i had my eyes open even under the green streamy water

after half hours philosophy balancing on the cliff edge with my mind companion and sister, Liv

how it is not about letting the courage come out, but just to let freaky fear go

we lept out

i fell for quite a while

i thought i would hit water before i did

Then barbiequed little prins man made sausages with Mother

and her foreign aquintence, who said i spoke broken home language because of

strange setting of word and pronaunciation...

i said

no, i do not

under my teeeth i swore at her

fuck you

but Mother said also


i have ndfno need to feel foreign in the woods, by the waterfall, with my family

i keep thinking about the little ninjas

every time i need perspective

instead of the old man on the moon trick

(i now see them little ninjas coming through where perspective is needed)

even just for kick

on the train i wrote about wolf alice, who looked for her missing tail

it is interesting

whose tail really?

sometimes we look for things to miss

miss so bad

it becomes the main thought of task to period in life


over and out