Sunday, 4 January 2009

people are personal always check their out of date as well as the terminal you are flying from.

Current mood: adored <3

christ is time for merry kisssmess
this time of year i always get confused on who not to kiss and who to kiss
Shall i kiss the one I miss
though He ain't there
I must kiss the one I don't miss since He is present
I did once to try and now i can't stop
and the missing of the kissing has gone
My mouth has turned to a constant pout for more more and more
as mouths can do when lips turn into a constant feed somehow
(in bugsy malone, ganster man's his mouth turned into the shape of an oyster my man told me I must see it again to get the real pitty started)
from pitty to acceptance to love
it is the love or at least acceptance time of year and people is dangling on the edge of emotion
big time
huffing scuffing bitches and evil men shouting
or drunken kisses of the public offenders
we all are
I tried to help with some gingerbread latte the girl in the union jack dress crosseyed from too much drugintake high as the heels she was trying to take on west end in
her two lady friends where trying to support her while they where gurning away on the inside of there cheeks
keep the christmas spirit high was their motive

Then missed my flight that was gonna take me to my homeland way too early this morning
the not helping heathrowian airline people saw my stress and gathered force to make me cry
which i did a lot of
a river of tired tears as i hated people through the dim vision
ooooh i cried so much their manager had to come and help me get words out instead of stuttering: st o o o c k k k h h h o o l l m mmmm
the e en the fooorr r r e e e v v e e r t t t rai i i n u u u p n n n n or r t h
the thought of being stuck in the town of Grey made me wanna move back into my mothers womb for to never leave again
with todays technology i could still communicate and make songs to record from in there
lucklily i was rescued by a gentleman whom so greatly booked another ticket for me
(and saved the world for I was going to plant stink bombs full of gastric urin rat piss, hound dogs peewee hermans squashed vocals mixed with casting agents perverted dreams on how to commercialise EVERYTHING possible foamy top would be old cocks and hens dangly neck bits...
The potion would have been lethal for the christmas spirit and everyone would have instantly quit shopping freneticly and the worlds engines would stop for a bit just so everyone could take a break to hold their breath for the ghastly stink bomb)
back to the kissing,
I felt so happy I kissed the gentleman over and over and over and over again till the day stopped and it got dark and he had to go and i had to write down the christmas tale of today
My Papa wasn't too happy
He hoped I haven't placed myself in debt to a man
Papa hates debts.
So do I
He don't like many men either
But I so do
Gentlemen are few these days
Damsels are forever in need of sweet show care from brave goofs
Gentlemen needs kisses like mountaintops needs snow to be looked up to

high sugar
here I come

Currently listening
I wanna Know
By: Sugar Pie Desanto

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